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First period after baby.When it arrives, duration, fertility and breastfeeding

Are you wondering when your period comes and what are the symptoms? Not sure if you can get pregnant before menstruation arrives? Here is a guide on the foreman that answers all your doubts and questions: when it arrives, duration, lactating ward, after caesarean section, after spontaneous birth or after abortion, fertility and when it is good to have a check-up with your midwife

First period after pregnancy

What is the first period after birdh

By fist period after birth we mean the first cycle after birth and this indicates that your ovaries have returned to ovulate and you are fertile and fecundable again.

The return of the first menstruation after childbirth differs from woman to woman both in the flow of blood, abundant or scarce, and in when it arrives, after 30 days, after 40 days or longer. Well, let's see what are the characteristics of the cycle after giving birth in relation to the type of birth and the type of breastfeeding.

When comes the first period after the baby

Generally the first period arrives after 30- 40 days from the birth of the baby but this can change if you are breastfeeding or not. For women, the arrival of the first period, especially when it does not arrive many months after giving birth, is often a cause for concern, especially in those situations in which there is a doubt about being pregnant again. In post-partum, vaginal discharge is defined as lochia and have the function of cleaning the uterus of any residues from pregnancy. The lochiations have a variable duration which is around 20 days. After the lochiations, a real pause phase is entered in which there is no secretion of the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle, this phase is called the puerperium. During the puerperium, the female body recovers from the effort made by pregnancy, the uterus returns to its normal position and the ovaries return to their seat inside the abdomen, in short, it returns to the pre-pregnancy condition. Gradually the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle return to be secreted and the ovaries return to function and return to ovulate. Well, it is precisely the resumption of ovulation that marks the reappearance of menstruation. Unfortunately, when menstruation returns, it is not known so if this happens many months after giving birth, it is good to be careful in resuming sexual activity because in fact you don't know when you are fertile again.

Cycle after natural childbirth

The first period is absolutely not influenced by the type of birth, in fact, the symptoms of the foreman, the duration and the characteristics are the same whether you have given birth with a physiological birth or with a caesarean section.

First period after caesarean

The first cycle after caesarean section has no particular differences with respect to the resumption of ovarian activity after physiological birth.

First period in lactation

The resumption of menstruation in the breastfeeding woman suffers a considerable delay, especially in the case of exclusive breastfeeding or prolonged breastfeeding. The reason for this delay is due to the hormones that regulate lactation. During breastfeeding, milk production occurs by means of a hormone called prolactin. Prolactin is produced in large quantities that circulate in the mother's body, however if prolactin on the one hand induces the secretion of breast milk, on the other it has an inhibitory action on the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle. Prolactin inhibits the menstrual cycle and ovulation so in women who are breastfeeding the cycle can appear after many months. The onset of the post-partum cycle requires a longer time which is generally proportional to the breastfeeding time. Let's give an example: if a mother breastfeeds only for 1 month, the return of ovulation and menstruation is similar to that of mothers who are not breastfeeding, but if a mother breastfeeds for a longer period, menstruation usually delays for the whole breastfeeding period. In general, in women who are exclusively breastfeeding, menstruation is delayed by about three months.

First period after pregnancy in women who are not breastfeeding

In women who are not breastfeeding, menstruation generally returns 4 - 6 weeks after delivery with a minimum time of 27 days to a maximum period of 70-75 days. It must be said that a period that arrives both after a month, and after two months or a little more, but not beyond, is completely normal.

First period, as is recognized

Normally the first menstrual cycle after childbirth initially presents with slight and scarce blood loss which in the first days has a color ranging from dark brown to more intense red and then becomes bright red with abundant losses. Usually a few days before the arrival of the first period you have the classic symptoms of PMS such as breast tenderness, nervousness and pain in the lower abdomen. If you recognized pre-menstruation symptoms before your period, I'm sure you will recognize them even after the baby is born. Symptoms of the first period after birth:

  • Menstrual flow

  • More substantial blood loss

  • Longer cycle duration

  • Menstrual pain

  • Sore breasts

First period after abortion, curettage and biochemical pregnancy

After miscarrige or a biochemical pregnancy, the puerperium needs more care and attention to recover both physically and psychologically. Abortion in both the first and second trimester of pregnancy represents a traumatic event for every woman who often does not know how to manage puerperal care. The first post-abortion period occurs on average after 4-6 weeks and can be perceived by the woman as more painful than normal because it evokes the negative moment experienced. The duration of menstruation is about 4-7 days characterized by more abundant losses and longer menstruation. The expelled blood is bright red and not bad smelling. The menstrual cycle is regularized and restores itself after two or three cycles and by the first cycle one is usually already fertile

Quanto dura il ciclo dopo il parto?

Once arrived, the first post-partum cycle has a generally greater duration and intensity than pre-pregnancy cycles: it can last up to 8-10 days, with a very abundant flow, but it is still something extremely subjective. In general, the first cycle after birth is more abundant than a normal menstruation and longer but certainly not infinite, a continuous loss of blood with the presence of clots or in the worst cases with the characteristics of a hemorrhage always requires a check by your midwife. The first cycle after pregnancy could be even more painful due to the need for the uterus to contract with more force to manage the bleeding. To have a regular menstrual cycle it will take some time, in fact, the irregular cycle after childbirth is absolutely normal. Generally the first 5-6 post-partum cycles may be irregular both in flow and in duration. Some women complain of not very abundant flows preceded by many days of spots, others instead more abundant and close flows (no more than two in a month). Once the body has found its own rhythm, the production of hormones is regularized and the cycles regain the same characteristics they had before pregnancy or even become much more regular.

First cycle after childbirth and fertility

This topic represents a great unknown for new mothers who often wonder if it is possible to get pregnant before the first period or if breastfeeding is a contraceptive method and therefore becoming pregnant while breastfeeding is unlikely. Let's be clear. The period from childbirth to the first cycle after childbirth does not indicate with certainty the lack of fertility because in fact the exact moment in which ovarian activity resumes and therefore the production of fertilizable oocytes is not known. Same thing goes for women who are breastfeeding, breastfeeding is not a method of birth control. Popular belief has it that breastfeeding is a method of contraception but this is absolutely not the case. If you want to avoid a new pregnancy, take contraceptive measures.

In the months from birth to the head of the ward, you can use a condom.

After the head of the ward, consider taking the birth control pill, a minipill or the application of the IUD with your doctor.

Delay after the first period, when to take a pregnancy test

As mentioned, the first cycles after childbirth are somewhat irregular in terms of both duration and flow.

However, if you have a long delay after the first period and have had unprotected

intercourse and therefore there is a suspicion of pregnancy after 40 days from the last cycle, it is always good to take a pregnancy test.

Do you lose weight with your first menstruation after childbirth?

One of the most frequently asked questions by new mothers. You know after giving birth you want to shed the extra pounds accumulated during pregnancy. Unfortunately, to date there is no scientific evidence that the first menstruation makes you lose weight.

To lose weight you need to have a low-calorie and balanced diet, drink lots of water and exercise

First period after childbirth, when a gynecological check-up is required

There are situations in which a check-up by the gynecologist or your midwife is a must to assess whether there are any situations that need to be addressed. Spotting: fist period has not arrived but you have minor and continuous bleeding, it is always good to have a checkup.

First cycle that does not arrive: as mentioned, the first cycle after childbirth can be delayed especially in breastfeeding women but if it is really delayed it is better to make a gynecological examination.

If you are not breastfeeding and your period does not come for more than three months, and you have not had risky intercourse, pay a visit, if there may be a risk of an ongoing pregnancy, it is good to take a pregnancy test. If you are breastfeeding and after 10-12 months the head of the ward has not arrived, take a pregnancy test and if it is negative, consult your midwife.

A medical examination is advisable in case of:

  • Copious and profuse blood loss

  • Very severe abdominal pains

  • Foul-smelling blood loss mixed with liquid

  • If a fever appears

I hope this article was helpful to you, don't forget to follow Mom Mather's Instagram page and leave a comment below, I'll be happy to read you.


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